[arpihun] arpihun - Abuse of C4

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15 Jul 2018, 15:03

seems the temp ban sessions did not help ... will look into it shortly and take him off.

=]RC[= Hunter
skill is not an unlock ... see ya on the battlefields

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15 Jul 2018, 19:42

[RC]Hunter wrote:Yeah,
seems the temp ban sessions did not help ... will look into it shortly and take him off.
That was fast. :)
Two days ago 666thelement and I had a little conversation about this topic and he said he would leave a comment here (thats why i pushed this thread to the top), so I was expecting replies from other players too, including his. Seems he changed his mind. :D

Thanks for looking up into this case.

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15 Feb 2021, 20:31

He is back again. :roll:

aprihuns average statistics per round:
Kill/Death-Ratio = 0/5
Demolished buildings = 8
Uprooted trees & bushes = 17
Broken Clutter = 34
Benefit to team = -80%
Mental Illness = 99.99%

At this point I don't even care what happens to him, since I am going for an extended break again. Just letting you know that he is roaming the streets and blowing up every inanimate object that happens to be in his sight as you read this. Towns and villages are flattened to the ground, leaving his comrades without cover and completely exposed to the enemy. Each round the same nonsense. Again and again.

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16 Feb 2021, 22:16

Nino-6-years wrote:
26 Sep 2017, 13:14

Also i do remember the case of Ivy_Queen aka Cathy Craggs (see this and this topic).
He/She got banned, although Cathy hasn't broken any rule and was much less annoying then arpihun, since arpihun is destroying literally EVERYTHING, leaving each player on an open field without cover - for both teams impossible to play and have fun. He leaves the whole server as a mess, to be honest.
Thanks Nino for bringing this old thread alive as of which i was able to know that Cathy Craggs was annoying not only to me but to others also.She has been doing same for past few months again, reviving in front of enemies with zero kills and on top of that
she keeps on saying "K/D means nothing" once or twice in each round.She also acts like as if she is clan member or person with high authority as he/she keeps stopping other players for not swearing or be banned or he/she will report (talks like that).
I never thought i will actually post regarding her despite of being very annoying to me,but i am glad someone did.Rest is admins decision to warn or ban her or how to deal with her but she does ruin the fun in game.

As of arpihun i never actually noticed him or played with him, maybe we plays at different times.

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17 Feb 2021, 20:44

neet wrote:
16 Feb 2021, 22:16
[...] Cathy Craggs was annoying not only to me but to others also.She has been doing same for past few months again, reviving in front of enemies with zero kills and on top of that.
Past few months you say? Haven‘t seen her except on one occasion a couple days ago and only for a brief moment. She left a few minutes after I joined the server, didn‘t even finish the round. In the past, she frequently spammed the chat with „K/D doesn‘t matter“ too. And for some reason she continues to call me Nina, instead of Nino. To this day I am not sure if she actually is this „eccentric“ or just a subtle troll. :D
neet wrote:
16 Feb 2021, 22:16
As of arpihun i never actually noticed him or played with him, maybe we plays at different times.
Pay attention next time you play: If your screen starts shaking and you hear buildings collapse just at the start of a round and if the map has turned into a wasteland before 1/3 of the tickets have passed - check the score. Most likely that‘s arpihun doing his arpihun-things. You can't miss him. :w_wink:

To be honest, I find aprihun (and rapiero, a similar nutcase) much more annoying than Cathy.

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18 Feb 2021, 03:23

Nino-6-years wrote:
17 Feb 2021, 20:44
Pay attention next time you play: If your screen starts shaking and you hear buildings collapse just at the start of a round and if the map has turned into a wasteland before 1/3 of the tickets have passed - check the score. Most likely that‘s arpihun doing his arpihun-things. You can't miss him. :w_wink:

Regarding arpihun i will keep in mind and hopefully report in forums too.

Cathy craggs is not daily player afaik.maybe once a week.And yes i played many times with her in span of 5-6 months maybe more.Few months ago i did had a spat with her when she was doing her usual annoying stuff. Not only she criticize player with good K/D by saying "certain player is ruining the game" but also she would praise herself by saying that " top players have less kills"and she would say this pretty often maybe each round .I am actually glad we are talking about this as it has disturbed me a lot to witness such stupidity even after i am done playing..
I did asked her if K/D means nothing, then why when player joins servers notifies about the K/D of player?
For Gods sake this is FPS game and K/D is here for ages and other person just saying totally opposite which is insanely dumb.I just can't imagine to express myself how irritating it is.
Ah Gawd :smile2: ...there is no end to fools. :shoot2: :shoot6: :shoot2:

I have played many times with rapiero but not sure what kind of nutcase he is.
My idea of enjoying is to get kills ,capture the flag and win. But some players just play selfishly ,mainly campers who just sit at certain point waiting for enemy to come.


He is also called megacamper as many times he won't even come out of base.Just snipe at base.

BTW i have read whole of this thread now till you guys started talking in german.I enjoyed both of yours conversation like a father and a son and replies of our typical Admin.Specially this reply by @[RC]Hunter :lol:
[RC]Hunter wrote:
26 Sep 2017, 07:34
Yes ...and in an ideal world admins are waiting 24/7 to spot when a player X is joining the server, sure... :shock:

You believe the server is filling on its own EVERY day, therefore when you play from 8 to 10 pm an admin has to be around each time or at any given moment you join the server? hehehehe ... this would result into a BC2 maniac person. lol

There are plenty of human administrative actions going on every day in the background, regulars do not even notice ...
:smile2: :lol: :clap:

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18 Feb 2021, 22:41

neet wrote:
18 Feb 2021, 03:23
I have played many times with rapiero but not sure what kind of nutcase he is.
My idea of enjoying is to get kills ,capture the flag and win. But some players just play selfishly ,mainly campers who just sit at certain point waiting for enemy to come.
We had a thread about him several years ago, if I recall correctly, but a quick search didn‘t show any results. Maybe he was mentioned in a general thread. I will link it, if I stumble upon the specific thread.

Basically, he is a base- and tankcamper.
If a tank is available, he will immediately get inside, drive near the entrance/exit of the base, but still stay inside the base-protection-zone and pointlessly shoot around. If a tank is not available, he will camp in his base or nearby and spam 40mm instead. This, by itself, isn‘t problematic and he doesn‘t break any rules in that sense. He even barely gets any kills, approximately 0-4 kills per round.
But his playing style does cause a stagnation (similar to aprihun) regarding infantry movement, which then results in both teams camping at certain flags depending on the map - the whole dynamic and fun of the game is ruined. Obviously, one could think it‘s easy to get rid of him by destroying the tank, but rarely someone bothers doing so, because:

A. He will immediately back off further into the base and repair himself
B. The base is protected and you are risking getting a temporary ban (60 minutes)
C. Reloading/cooldown of RPGs/Mortar Strikes takes too long.
D. Even if his tank is destroyed, he will wait until it respawns and start all over again

There are a few methods to kill him without getting banned, but they require time and taking risks and instead of enjoying the game you would spend minutes killing a single pathetic tankcamper. No fun at all.

So that‘s the whole deal with both of them.
 arpihun causes both teams to camp by destroying each and every possible cover, making tactical movement impossible.
 rapiero causes the same by permanently hiding in a protected zone and just shooting aimlessly around with his tank, preventing the hostile team to move. As a result, the enemy naturally builds a defence line, which can't be penetrated by his team - again, both teams are just camping until the round ends.

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19 Feb 2021, 06:32

Actually i do agree most of what you said above,such players do ruin the fun in game.Tankcampers are actually many if u ask me,another player i recall is Dr.Sentinal.
In normal scenario I would ask ban for such players but now a days number of players are becoming less n less.Firstly we few players have to sit idle to fill the server many times a week and then when server is just half full we have problem of baserape right away which is quite regular. Players start to leave before server is even full. I have asked many times to leave at least on flag for the enemy but only few listen.Only few try to balance like you,DJUMIK,MAKKAN and myself.But many don't care.
I really think we should have votekick command activated now to kick such players.But frankly if anyone votekick even then chance of other players voting is quite minimal.Few might vote to yes but it won't register as many don't know if it is !Y or !Yes. Earlier their were so many commands but now they don't work anymore.Banning a player means one less player and now a days I'm afraid we kind of need even psychos to keep server going. :roll:

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19 Feb 2021, 20:03

Totally agree with you on everything you said.
Usually the server is filled with 32/32 players, but the sheer indifference to everything that happens on the server, let alone the forum, and overall the behaviour on the server, could evoke the suspicion, that most "players" are actually bots or NPCs. :D

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24 Feb 2021, 11:22

I usually use my one "free base kill" per game, to kill guys like sniper otan or rapiero 8)

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