got banned from your server

questions, comments, problems ? general topics about the Battlefield 3 game and our servers, English/German speaking board *** old game - no more servers - good memories - board locked ***
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18 Oct 2013, 09:31

Hi there,

I just got banned (auto) from your bf3 server for swearing 2 much.

Plz let me explain why I started swearing

3 trolls decided to block all air vehicles one in AA shooting our jets and all other vehicles and one guy standing on the heli platform blocking the heli spawn and 1 guy sitting in a tank shooting all other stuff.

after asking them to leave multiple times the question started to get a bit more agressive and got carried away in result getting banned.

So the ban is vallid and I know I am wrong so sorry for loosing it. You dont have to lift my ban if you dont want to but let me give you some advise.

Please activate the kick and report command on your server so we can kick obvious trolls ourselfs when the admin is not arround to do his job.

Cya one other servers maby,


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=]RC[= BooZer’s avatar

21 Oct 2013, 21:43

Hi Bjorn,

thx for posting the incidents which caused that ban on you. I've checked the logfiles for this event and found out that this ban was only a temporary one (about 145 mins) - so it has expired automatically on Friday 18/10/2013, 11:40. Since then it should be possible for you to play again on our server.

We use the kick command intentionally not on our servers cause these days there are only a few players present from the old BF community which play responsible and fair. Sometimes there are too many crazy kids or idiots on the spot (as you had to experience it too). And we don't wanna give those trolls an opportunity to decide which players have to be kicked from the servers (cause they also could vote in such a situation). Instead we use our automatic warn/ban system with its multiple levels of escalation. This works fine and cools down the players heat - also if the admins are not present.


Stay Rough & Clever forever!
