Permantaly Banned

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02 Jan 2018, 04:42

Hi Stratego admins,

I've been playing on your servers for a while. So firstly, thanks for providing the service. My problem is I got banned for an unusual kill rate while on cao son temple. I suspect it was while I was in the boat trying to make a run for A from the NVA deployment. Got a bunch of kills while passing B and a few more while getting A. Got kicked right after my last kill with a message after saying I was permanently banned. Suspect this is an automated system. Please look into this.

My user name is Thomsters. I've played the game for a long while, and have gotten good; but I do not cheat or use some sort of hack. I don't even think I was doing that well when I got kicked. Just had a lucky moment with the boat while making a run for the objective with my squadmate.

Thanks for you time,
Thom (aka Thomsters)

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=]RC[= Hunter’s avatar

02 Jan 2018, 21:53

Hi Thom,

Seems it happened to you the second time (link).

I removed the ban one more time, please take care it will not happen again ... otherwhise we may consider keeping it up permanently.

=]RC[= Hunter
skill is not an unlock ... see ya on the battlefields

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03 Jan 2018, 00:21

Hi [RC]Hunter,

Thanks for removing the ban. Yes, it is the second time I triggered the system; and having read through some other posts, I realize this is an exception you're making for me. I believe somewhere in another post you were saying that even if not cheating or otherwise hacking, being too good or "pro" and not giving the other side a chance is equally as damaging to the server. Nobody wants to play if the team seems overly stacked against them. I get this, and while I don't consider myself "pro" I do try to adjust my play style if it seems to unbalanced. Indeed I will switch teams if the other side is having a rough go of it to try and even things out.

I was on the losing team and trying to reverse our fortunes when the ban got triggered. I guess I got a little overzealous with the kills in a desperate plea to try and open a new objective at the far side of the map to pull back the opposing team so we could get out of the main deployment. It was a mad scramble with my squad mate, I really didn't realize how high my kill rate was getting. But, I've reread the link you original provided to my 1st ban, and also read through some other forum posts to get a better idea of how to avoid. I'll try harder to not run afoul of the ban system again.

Sorry, this is long winded. I know (also from the forums) that you have to deal with a lot of annoying characters who only show up when they get banned and bug you relentlessly with their impatient pleas. I'm sorry to have been yet another who only shows up when they want something from you. In future, I'll try to drop-by once in a while just to say hi. For now I can only say thank you once again for your time and for providing a great server.

Warmest wishes for the new year,

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=]RC[= Hunter’s avatar

04 Jan 2018, 21:29

You are right indeed, unfortunately forum regs mostly take place these days reporting or complaining about bans. We would love to read lots of other posts as well, but people are not that communicative anymore if it is not a "like" or "dislike button" ... :smoke:

=]RC[= Hunter
skill is not an unlock ... see ya on the battlefields

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